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Some find it hard to believe, but NATO is planning a big celebration of 75 years of itself, with meetings beginning July 9, 2024, in Washington, D.C., at which we can expect many presidents, prime ministers, foreign secretaries, and weapons dealers.
We are planning a summit on Saturday July 6 and a rally on Sunday July 7, as well as various other actions in the days before and after that weekend to say yes to peace and no to NATO!
Sign up if you can be with us in Washington DC!
Sign this statement if you support our efforts!
Learn more about NATO at https://nonatoyespeace.org
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To the Editor:
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is turning 75 years old and planning to celebrate itself in Washington, D.C. I’ll be joining those protesting NATO and urging its dissolution. (See nonatoyespeace.org)
NATO is not a global or democratic institution for avoiding war, but an alliance (through its members and partners) of most of the world’s major militaries that views war and the threat of war as the solutions to all problems. The results in places like the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Libya have been disastrous.
The war in Ukraine could not have happened without the decision at the end of the Cold War not to shut NATO down, but to expand it. The vicious cycle of threats, violence, and militarization between NATO and Russia risks nuclear devastation for us all.
NATO’s pursuit of additional enemies far from the North Atlantic is a reckless pursuit of catastrophe, not the safeguarding of the world. We need a world beyond NATO, where we invest to eliminate poverty, hunger, illness and homelessness; where we live in harmony with our environment; and where we resolve conflict diplomatically through the only global organization that represents the whole world – the United Nations.
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