Sevim Dagdelen

Sevim Dagdelen has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2005. She is member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and foreign policy spokesperson for the group “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht – Reason and Justice” (BSW). Sevim Dagdelen is a member of the US Parliamentary Group and the German-Chinese and German-Indian Parliamentary Groups. For many years, she was a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in which MPs from the member countries of the military alliance discuss security and defense policy issues. In her latest book, which will be published in English soon, Sevim Dagdelen dispels the myths of NATO and analyzes how the military pact with its expansive geopolitics is driving the world closer to the brink of a third world war than ever before. Watch a recent interview of her.
Sheen Kim

Sheen Kim (any pronouns) is the current co-chair of the Asia-Oceania subcommittee of the Democratic Socialist of America’s International Committee. They believe in the militant, internationalist, and workers’ struggle for liberation.
Ben Grosscup

Ben Grosscup sings about the ideas and values of the revolutionary social movements he’s part of. Drawing upon activist folk singing traditions, he brings new songs to the rallies, strikes, picket lines, and virtual events where they’re most relevant. He leads purposeful group singing that raises political consciousness. Ben is executive director of The People’s Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle, a diverse community of singers, artists, and activists that cultivates music and cultural work as catalysts for a just and peaceful world. PMN hosts regular online and in-person musical collaborations, involving artists world-wide.
Reiner Braun

Reiner Braun studied German Literature, History and Journalism. Since 1982 he has been actively involved in the German and international Peace Movement, working f.e. as Executive Director for Scientists for Peace and Sustainability (Germany) and the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES). Since 2004 Reiner Braun has been working for various projects related to the Einstein year at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and for the Max Planck Society. From 2006-2017 he was the Executive Director of the IALANA Germany and the Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW), the German pugwash group. He was from 2013 till 2019 one of the two Presidents of the International Peace Bureau and was till 2022 the Executive Director of IPB. He is one of the speakers of the German peace mouvement. He was a founding member of the international network “No to war – no to NATO” and is a member of its coordinating committee.
Djibo Sobukwe

Djibo Sobukwe is a member of The Black Alliance for Peace on the Africa team. He is a former member of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party who worked with Kwame Ture on the political education committee. He has also published articles in Black Agenda Report.
KJ Noh

K J Noh is a journalist, political analyst, writer, and teacher specializing in the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region. He writes for Counterpunch and Dissident Voice. He is special correspondent for KPFA Flashpoints on the Pivot to Asia, the Koreas, and the Pacific.
Ju-Hyun Park

Ju-Hyun Park is an organizer with the organization Nodutdol for Korean Community Development. Founded in NYC in 1999, Nodutdol has developed into a national organization, focused on organizing the Korean diaspora along anti-imperialist lines. Raised between Korea and the U.S., Ju-Hyun has been active in the movement for Korean national liberation for 7 years. By day, Ju-Hyun is the engagement editor at The Real News.
Krys Cerisier

Krys Cerisier is CODEPINK’s East Coast and War is Not Green Organizer. Krys is a passionate Organizer, Journalist, and Activist, proudly hailing from the Bronx, New York, born to Panamanian and Haitian immigrant parents. Graduating in 2021 with a degree in international relations from Global College, they honed their focus on Black Indigenous studies, delving into the intricacies of identity and social justice, studying in South and Central America, the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. Transitioning into activism, Krys began organizing against imperialist U.S. foreign policy in Latin America. In 2023 their journalistic pursuits led them to conduct an investigation in 2023, delving into the histories, visibility, and ongoing struggles of Black and Indigenous communities throughout the region. Through their work, Krys is a fierce advocate for Black Indigenous and Queer voices, amplifying narratives often overlooked.
Sean Conner

Sean Conner was appointed Executive Director of International Peace Bureau in October 2022. He holds a Bachelors in Intercultural and Critical Communication Studies from the State University of New York at Geneseo and a Masters in Intercultural Conflict Management from the Alice Salomon Hochschule. Prior to joining the IPB team in Berlin he worked for the Centre for Cross-Cultural Study (CC-CS) in the USA and in community development with the non-profit Enlace Project in Nicaragua. Sean brings his range of experiences to his peace work and activism, where he highlights the importance of intersectional coalition building, intercultural and international exchange, and a strengthening of civil society.
David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator for Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie and When the World Outlawed War. He blogs at and He hosts Talk World Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Swanson was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. He was also awarded a Beacon of Peace Award by the Eisenhower Chapter of Veterans For Peace in 2011, and the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award by New Jersey Peace Action in 2022, and a Global Peace Leadership & Excellence Award in 2024. Swanson is on the advisory boards of: Nobel Peace Prize Watch, Veterans For Peace, Assange Defense, BPUR, Military Families Speak Out, Fields of Peace, and Peace in Ukraine Coalition. He is an Associate of the Transnational Foundation, and a Patron of Platform for Peace and Humanity. He is on the Consultative Council of the SHAPE Project. He is on the International Coordinating Committee of No to War – No to NATO. Find David Swanson at MSNBC, C-Span, Democracy Now, The Guardian, Counter Punch, Common Dreams, Truthout, Daily Progress,, TomDispatch, The Hook, etc.
Francis Daehoon

Daehoon Lee (Francis) is Director, Trans-Education for Peace Institute (TEPI) of PEACEMOMO. He was visiting professor for peace studies, at Ritsumeikan University, and InterDnational University of Japan. He also has been a legal advisor to the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Sub-Commission in 2005, and worked with the Center for Peace Museum, Korea. He was also the former Executive Director of ARENA (Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, Asia-wide) and director of the Center for Peace and Disarmament, Korea. He has coordinated CENA (civil society education network in Asia), a collaborating network of universities committed for peace, human rights and democracy studies in Asia. Francis has been actively involved in facilitating UNESCO and APCEIU teachers training workshops since 2006. Since 2012, he joined PEACEMOMO to provide for school teachers and peace activists in Korea peace education training that are based on new, learner-oriented pedagogical principles. He has worked in Jogjakarta as the project manager of SKHU-UII joint programme for sustainable community development. For 2022-2022, he served as Goodwill Ambassador for Peace in Korea under Moon Jae-in government, among many other advisory roles.
Alain Rouy

Alain Rouy was elected Vice President of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) in October 2022 and is a former board member of IPB (2019-2022). He is a peace activist, representative of French Appel des Cent against nuclear weapons, and currently national secretary of Mouvement de la Paix, executive secretary of International Association of Educators for Peace and IAEP-delegate at UNESCO, as well as co-chair of French Teachers for Peace (Enseignants pour la Paix). In Mouvement de la Paix, Alain Rouy is in charge of international relations with UNO, UNESCO, and the international peace organisations, especially IPB, No to Nato network, network against military bases, and German peace organisations. Focus areas are promotion of the UNO and multilateralism, alternative European security system, peace education. As IAEP delegate at UNESCO, Alain Rouy is involved in NGOs’ activities, especially NGO-UNESCO international forums.
Moataz Salim

Moataz Salim, a PhD student in clinical psychology at George Washington University whose family is from Gaza, was an organizer of the encampment at GWU that began on April 25 and was raided on May 8. Before that, he had been joining CODEPINK in Congress almost every day for three months, pushing for a ceasefire and no more weapons to Israel.
Joseph Gerson

Dr. Joseph Gerson is the President of the Campaign for Peace,
Disarmament, and Common Security, former Vice-President of the
International Peace Bureau, and Co-Chair of the Committee for a Sane
U.S.-China Policy. He was a co-founder of the No to War/No to NATO
Network and the United for Peace & Justice Network. Jewish, he was
steeped in the lessons of the Holocaust, has worked with leading Israelis and
Palestinians for peaceful and just Israeli coexistence for five decades. He has
opposed Israel’s genocidal military response to the October 7 massacres.
Involved in launching the nuclear weapons freeze movement of the 1980s,
he is leading advocate of nuclear weapons abolition. His books include
With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion, and Moral
Imagination; Empire and the Bomb: How the US Uses Nuclear Weapons to
Dominate the World; and The Sun Never Sets: Confronting the Network
of U.S. Foreign Military Bases.
Ludo De Brabander

Ludo De Brabander is a Belgian peace activist and spokesman for the organization Vrede (‘peace’). He is a member of the international coordination committee of No to War – No to Nato. He was one of the main organizers of NATO counter summits in Brussels (May 2017, July 2018, June 2021 and July 2022). He is author of several books on NATO, militarization, nuclear arms, the Middle East, Palestine and the Kurdish issue. He writes for various printed and electronic publications.
Anthony Rodgers Wright

A prototypical New Yorker, Anthony Rodgers Wright has over 12 years of experience as an environmental/urban planner, researcher, policy analyst, political strategist, consultant and organizer. His professional experience has covered a broad range including, but not limited to, corporate and non-profit environmental consulting firms, grassroots political campaigns, and healthcare advocacy and outreach. Most recently Anthony has focused on Climate Disruption (aka Climate Change) mitigation strategies at the local and regional levels. He is a staunch advocate and student of Environmental Justice (EJ) tactics and strategies, including tactics to bring environmental awareness and stewardship of low-wealth communities and communities of color to the “mainstream” environmental consciousness. His passion for EJ has taken him as far away as Israel, where he was afforded the opportunity to study EJ challenges and present them to the City Council of Jerusalem. When not immersed in work, Anthony can be found teaching or taking a Yoga class or on stage performing jazz/funk bass-guitar somewhere on the planet. While he has met many famous people, the first time he was star struck was upon meeting the great, late Douglas Adams.
Tamara Lorcinz

Tamara Lorincz is a member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Canada. She is also on the advisory committee of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and the No to War, No to NATO Network. She is also a member of the Global Women for Peace United Against NATO. Tamara is a PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School for International Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier University. She has a Masters in International Politics & Security Studies from the University of Bradford and a Law degree and MBA from Dalhousie University. Her research is on the climate and environmental impacts of the military. She’s a long-time environmentalist, feminist and peace activist.
Ann Wright

Ann Wright is a Member of the Advisory Board of World BEYOND War. She is based in Hawaii. Ann is a retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a 29-year veteran of the Army and Army Reserves. She was also a diplomat in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. She received the State Department’s Award for Heroism for her actions during the civil war in Sierra Leone. She resigned from the Department of State on March 19, 2003, in opposition to the Iraq war. She is the co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience and appeared in the documentary “Uncovered”.
Kristine Karch

Kristine Karch is a German feminist, peace and environmental activist working nationally and internationally on gender and environmental justice, on women and militarization, militarization and environment, delegitimization of NATO, nuclear weapons, and closing military bases. She is co-chair of the international network No to War – No to NATO, a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Campaign Stop Air Base Ramstein, board member of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), and founding member and active in the women and environmental group EcoMujer, an exchange of views between women from Cuba, Latin America and Germany.
ONE DC Black Workers Center Chorus

The ONE DC Black Workers Center Chorus is a community of people who join their voices for justice and liberation of all oppressed people in the world, organized and led by Luci Murphy. The chorus brings their songs to social justice events and demonstrations, our songs echo struggles and demands for Black Liberation, health care and housing access, freedom for political prisoners, ending imperialist war in indigenous territories, environmental justice and community power. Members include: Aminyah Muhammad M’Backe, Al McCray, Ayo Moore, Robin Poponne, Meli, Tiger, and Nate Tyson.
Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action and the Peace Action Education Fund, joined the staff on Sept 4, 2001. Kevin previously served as Director of Project Abolition, a national organizing effort for nuclear disarmament, from August 1999 through August 2001. Kevin came to Project Abolition after ten years in Chicago as Executive Director of Illinois Peace Action. Prior to his decade-long stint in Chicago, Kevin directed the community outreach canvass for Peace Action (then called Sane/Freeze) in Washington, D.C., where he originally started as a door-to-door canvasser with the organization in 1985. Kevin’s writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Nation, Los Angeles Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Village Voice, The Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, The Progressive, Z magazine and many other publications. He has appeared on CNN, National Public Radio, Fox News, MSNBC, BBC-TV and radio, and many other local, national and international radio and television outlets. Kevin has traveled abroad representing Peace Action and the U.S. peace movement on delegations and at conferences in Russia, Japan, China, Mexico and Britain. He is married, with two children, and lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Joe Lombardo

Joe Lombardo is the co-coordinator of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and has been an organizer in the anti-war movement and a labor activist for decades. He is a cofounder and lead organizer for Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, a local anti-war group based near Albany, New York, a member of the Troy Area Labor Council, and former staff person of the Vietnam era National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC). He is the author of many articles and a frequent radio and TV commentator.
Jacqueline Luqman

Jacqueline Luqman is is co-host of By Any Means Necessary on Radio Sputnik, a daily show that analyzes current political and social events through an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, radical Black internationalist tradition and lens. She has also been a contributor to The Real News Network, Editor-In-Chief of the social media program Coffee, Current Events & Politics in Luqman Nation with her husband Abdushshahid, and a contributor to Black Power Media. She has more than 20 years of activism experience in Washington, DC focusing on participating in and supporting community-level issues as well as regional and national issues that impact working-class, poor, and oppressed people in the US and abroad. She is a member of the Black Alliance for Peace, Pan-African Community Action, and a supporter of several other grassroots radical Black-focused and led organizations, and is an active member of the Board of Social Action in Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, a progressive church in Washington, DC.
Nathan Gibbs

Nathan Gibbs is an anti-imperialist organiser and co-chair of the Anti-War Subcommittee of the the DSA International Committee.
John McGrath

John McGrath is a peace activist with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the U.K.
Joshua Shurley

Joshua Shurley is an army veteran and peace activist from Fresno, California. After serving as an infantry soldier during the 1990s and early 2000s, he went on to earn degrees in anthropology, security studies, and a PhD in international relations. His academic background includes extended field research in East and Central Africa examining the effects of US military operations on local civilian populations, which was a major factor in his shift toward peace activism. In addition to teaching political science at Fresno City College, Josh is on the board of directors of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence. Since 2016 he has been active with Veterans For Peace, and he co-founded VFP’s Fresno chapter a year later. Josh is currently the national vice president of Veterans For Peace.
Dianne Blais

Dianne Blais is a Member of the Board of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom U.S.
Bernard Blumenthal

Bud Blumenthal is a contemporary dancer and choreographer living and working in Brussels since 1988. Born on the northside of Chicago Il, USA, He attended Illinois State University, University of Arizona, and UMASS. He has made numerous works in the French-speaking community of Belgium and internationally. He was a pioneer in the use of novel technologies on stage and in installations and was active in professional support organizations for dance artists. He became an activist for the climate and ecological transition in 2019 with Extinction Rebellion Belgium and became associated with in 2021. He joined the Peace movement at the outbreak of the Ukraine war and has been an active member of the Comité Surveillance OTAN (NATO) www.csotan.corg since 2023. He’s a member of the PTB (Worker Party of Belgium) and a Buddhist. His task is to help society transform into a safe and fair post-capitalist sustainable version and collectively survive heat-induced collapse. Persistent anti-war activism remains unavoidable so he continues to work in both spaces. He publishes at
Anastasia Shakhidzhanova

Anastasia is a senior at Columbia University studying Sustainable Development and a graduate of Sciences Po Paris where she majored in Political Humanities and International Finance and Trade. She previously worked as the Government, Development, and Outreach Coordinator of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. She has participated in a number of international disarmament conferences including the 2nd Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in New York. She was selected as a US delegate to the G7 Youth Summit in Japan, where she co-delivered the youth statement to G7 leaders and participated in workshops and panels focused on eliminating nuclear weapons. Alongside her disarmament work, Anastasia is also passionate about climate change, food security, plastic pollution, and regenerative agriculture and is active with coalitions and groups in these fields.

Tore Naerland, President of Bike for Peace (Norway).

Cherrill Spencer is a retired experimental physicist who was born and educated in England and has lived in Palo Alto, California since 1974. She retired from full-time employment as a physicist in 2014. She joined the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in 2012 to work against war and for disarmament. She is a member of the Peninsula/Palo Alto, California, branch of WILPF through which she works on nuclear disarmament, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination (CEDAW), and the Poor People’s Campaign. Spencer’s major projects for WILPF have been: an extensive exhibit celebrating WILPF’s centenary; a detailed report on treaties; coordinating the national 2020 Solidarity Season; co-creating the online 1945 timeline; coordinating the national 2021 Call for Peace campaign and co-chairing the DISARM/End Wars Issue Committee since mid-2020. Spencer has been an official
delegate for WILPF to United Nations conferences on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.